Sunday, July 15, 2012

Addictions of a Random Person

Today I bought a bag of cookies.  Not usually a big deal, but these cookies were unusually good.  So good, I hate half the bag in one day.  Not really conducive to weight loss goals, but I sure got a sugar high.  I began thinking, I may be addicted to cookies.  And that naturally progressed to what else could I be addicted to?  This is what I came up with...

Of course I've already mentioned cookies, but I figured I'd make my point one more time.  I love COOKIES! ;They come in chocolate, peanut butter, sugar...pretty much anything under the sun can be in a cookie.  And I'm addicted.

HGTV Design Star
My thought this summer was that I needed a TV show to watch while all my others were on hiatus. And voila, HGTV Design Star. I'm very involved with these people now. There was even an episode when I cheered when one contestant was thrown off, and Duke started barking...I guess I got a little carried away... I also find myself looking around the house seeing what it is I can design star in my house. This may be a dangerous addiction...

Duke doesn't find this so troubling...but when he gets a job to help in the buying, well downgrade from addiction to past time! I'll go in for one item and I come out with three toys, treats, and the other thing I went in for. But there are SO MANY TOYS! I may be more excited by this than Duke. Each new style of toy is a new play opportunity for us both! buying stuff for Duke has become an addiction...there could be worse ones! (see cookies above!)

I would love to meet the person this doesn't apply to. Okay...there are still some people who haven't been sucked into this vortex of crafts, home design, and random funniness...and I would love their willpower! But it's not all bad. You get to share ideas, find things you would never see's a whole new way to completely DIY your life. So, this may be a harmless addiction...if there is such a thing...

The Phrase "Sexy and I Know It"
This phrase was made famous by LMFAO...and I can't stop saying it. I don't know why...maybe it's line with "I'm bringing sexy back...". Well, now that I've brought it back, I'm sexy and I know it!! It's just catchy...especially when you start in to "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah...". That part is fun...I made a baby laugh doing that!! But I don't think I go a day without saying it or thinking it...I've got the sexy fever!!

The Word "Huh"
I think my hearing is shot. I find myself using this word as much as "the" in everyday conversation. I think...(deep breath) might have been right...SHOCKER! Playing music that loud might actually cause hearing loss. I'm no quite ready to admit I have a problem...but "huh" is my new favorite word. I know it's not proper manners, but its so easy to say it. But, on the bright side, it could be my short attention span...I could just be zoned out! I'm sorry...I'm just not listening to to you!

The Vampire Diaries
My name is Stacey...and I'm addicted to VD (Vampire Diaries). The first step is to admit the addiction...but I swear it's not a problem....AWESOME.TV.SHOW!

Well those are my addictions.  Some are harmless, some are just downright weird!  (Okay...maybe not weird...just out of the normal!)  I think this is the part where I would say I would work on them...but we all know I'm not.  And in truth...I'll probably be adding to this list!