Friday, August 3, 2012

I Want to Write a Book

Hello world.  I've been reading a lot lately since I'm in between semesters at school and its a great release for me.  But then I got to thinking...could I write a masterpiece?

Yes I can, if I had an idea.  It's not the easiest thing in the world.  I really want to write something, but what?

I thought about a children's blood bank book...which the different blood cells being cute little cartoon characters.  Creative right?  Yeah...I'm not sure what kind of adventures the blood cells should go on, and what kind of adventures wouldn't scare kids.

I also thought about a mystery set off the coast of Louisiana on a uncharted, mysterious voodoo island.  But that's where I get stuck.  What happens there?  Who goes there?  How can it still be uncharted?  I think I'm too into logistics to figure this out.

Finally, I thought about a romcom type of book with a romance between a beautiful blood banker and a dashing doctor.  Fleeting hope right?  Yeah...I get too technical when trying to write this and use terms only a lab person would know.  So...not quite there.

So...I get stuck.  I want to write a book, but about what?  Maybe you all who read the blog have some ideas??  Could you give me an idea for my next great masterpiece?!!!

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