Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Valiant Try...On to 2013

When I looked at my previous posts, the blog profile informed me that I hadn't posted since the beginning of August.  I'm gonna go ahead and blame that on several factors.

Factor #1:
I bought a house.  Yes, I am a proud homeowner now!  It's challenging, frustrating, wonderful, and I love having ownership of something.  Yes I own my car, but somehow a house feels more mine.  Don't ask why...chalk it up to a random person's thoughts.

Factor #2:
School.  This last semester has been the most grueling since I started my masters at OSU.  When everything was said and done, I believe I wrote four papers, two paragraph essay questions every week of the semester minus two weeks for exams, and compiled a powerpoint presentation in which I had to narrate it and send it in for credit.  Yay me right?  Well, the semester ended successfully (straight A's, thank you very much), and I'm still trucking along.

Factor #3:
Work.  My best friend went to Durant where her husband started his career and two other colleagues found better opportunities for themselves.  Needless to say, at one point or another in the last 6 months or so, we were short staffed.  While the bright side of that was major overtime, the downside was less personal time.  And what time I did have was devoted to house, school, and of course Duke!

Factor #4:
Duke.  This should really be factor number 1.  He's almost like a child, although I can leave by himself for a couple of hours while I'm at work.  But he still runs the household so...factor number 4.

As I look back over 2012, I also found that I did some growing.  Most of the growing happened religiously.  The aforementioned best friend, as well as two other friends and co-workers, helped me find my faith again.  I don't know if I've ever been that religious, or had much faith to lose, but I always believed there was a God.  I just believed less structurally.  Now, with their help, I'm reading His words  and studying them.  I'm building a foundation that will make my beliefs stronger, and probably more coherent.

2012 was quite a year.  I'm looking forward to 2013 with enthusiasm and excitement.  I plan to grow as a person and better myself.  I also plan on being a better friend and family member...and thank God for all the blessings I have on this earth.  Here's to 2013!

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