Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Random Resolutions for a New Year

At this point in the year, everyone makes resolutions.  I have a few of my own made, although they were made before the new year...I hope they still count...yeah, they'll count if I say they do!  There are a few, I must admit, but very attainable and reasonable goals.

Resolution #1:
Grow my faith.  I want to continue this path I've discovered with God's word.  I have great support from friends and family so I know I can be successful.  This resolution is a little easier than most because once I get started reading scripture, it's hard to put it down.  Not only is it the word of God, but it's also a history lesson, and I love history.  I'm using a study Bible to really understand what it is I'm reading.  Within this version of the Bible are historical descriptions that give context to the time and place where the different books of the Bible were written.   This makes it easier to understand what was being said and what messages were being passed on.  I know this resolution will be a lifelong resolution...and I'm ready for that challenge.

Resolution #2:
Exercise more.  Yes, that's right....exercise more.  I want to run some races this year.  Some co-workers have already signed up for a Warrior Dash and are encouraging me to do the same.  It sounds FANTASTIC!  But I need to build stamina and durability before I can even begin to think I can run a race.  There are little motivations along the way....certain websites have contests that award prizes for working out...I might try a few of these for inspiration.  Other motivations include feeling better, sleeping better, and having more energy.  Those in themselves are good enough motivation.

Resolution #3:
Eat better.  This goes along with exercise but in itself is a separate resolution.  To perform better, or exercise more, I need to start fueling my body better.  But it is also important for other health issues to begin a healthier diet now.  Better to do it now with only 26 years to reverse, rather than later down the road with 50 years of habits to reverse.

Resolution #4:
Become fiscally smarter.  When I bought a house I realized that I was not as fiscally smart as I could be.  I discovered I need to be more diligent about saving and the way I spend my money.  My house is much closer to work now, so I can go home for lunch.  I need to take more advantage of that convenience.  So in the new year, I look forwards to becoming more disciplined with money matters.

So four resolutions later, we're finished. new year is going to be busy.  I want to be successful at each and every resolution.  If I can take just one step forward in every area, become a little better in each area, I'll be happy this year.  It will be something I can build on for years to come.  So wish me luck...Happy New Year, welcome to 2013!

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